Saturday, July 11, 2009

Upcoming in Oakland: Afrikanation Art Exchange/Ebony's Going Away Party

Where can I even begin when discussing the thrilling work that has been a part of artist/community organizer Ebony Iman Dallas' Masters' Thesis over the past couple of years? Her thesis centered around bringing together artists of African descent locally, nationally, and internationally to promote unity and positive change in the community. That's all I'll say, I'm saving the rest for future writings on Ms. Dallas ;)

Friday, July 17th Ebony will host the Interactive Art Exchange Exhibition, which will also serve as her going away party, since she's bound for Southern California. If you're in the Bay Area, come out and celebrate this landmark project, and enjoy some wonderful art and music as well.
The show will take place at Coffee With A Beat, right next to Lake Merritt in Oakland.

Coffee With a Beat • 458 Perkins Ave., Oakland, CA • Friday, July 17 • 6p - 10p

Please come out and celebrate the work of 12 dynamic artists who participated in my final thesis project entitled Afrikanation Interactive Art Exchange. The point of this project was to unify all people of African decent and supporters in order to join minds and create solutions to common problems through art. These collaborations took place around the topics of Family and Traditions as well as Goals and Dreams. This combination of musicians, painters, poets, and video production artists truly formed a rich experience that we would like to share with you. Please invite your family and friends.

Participants include:
Eesuu Orundide • Painter
Anthony J Hall • Poet
David Goodlett • Guitar Player
Tatek Kassaye • Video Production
Sarah Webb • Poet
Opesanwo I Fakorede Fadaaro • Painter
Oluyemi Thomas (of Positive Knowledge) • Bass Sax
Ijeoma Thomas (of Positive Knowledge) • Poet
Mosheh “Son of a Drummer” Milon • Drummer
Maria Ortiz • Curator/Visual Arts
Bush Mama Africa • Mixed Media Artist
Jinaki Bahati • Photographer

Ebony Iman Dallas • Afrikanation Community Organizer
Abdoul Diallo • Afrikanation Community Organizer

Also featuring guest artists and community activists

Please come out to support Bay Area Artists and non-profit community arts programs

None, but accepting donations for non-profit community arts organizations such as Art Esteem, a local organization who provides art therapy for over 3,500 Bay Area youth including the “Self as a Super Hero” project. For more information about this organization, please visit

Painters, poets, designers, musicians, and culinary artists… you may perform, exhibit and sell work with 10% of the proceeds going back to specified non-profit community arts organizations. Art Esteem is the only confirmed at this time. For more information on Art Esteem, please visit their website at Please contact Ebony at for more information and for participation.

?’s: For more information regarding this event and participation, please email Ebony at or visit

Please join us!

First of all, I love Oakland! In these clear times of change, chances must be taken. I am moving to Claremont, CA (30 miles from Los Angeles) at the end of July and I would like to party with you all 1 or 2 more times before I go. Please join me. I’m gonna miss you all very, very much.

Take care fam and I’ll see you soon!

Ebony Iman Dallas
Afrikanation Community Organizer

Upcoming in Oakland: Afrikanation Art Exchange/Ebony's Going Away Party

Where can I even begin when discussing the thrilling work that has been a part of artist/community organizer Ebony Iman Dallas' Masters' Thesis over the past couple of years? Her thesis centered around bringing together artists of African descent locally, nationally, and internationally to promote unity and positive change in the community. That's all I'll say, I'm saving the rest for future writings on Ms. Dallas ;)

Friday, July 17th Ebony will host the Interactive Art Exchange Exhibition, which will also serve as her going away party, since she's bound for Southern California. If you're in the Bay Area, come out and celebrate this landmark project, and enjoy some wonderful art and music as well.
The show will take place at Coffee With A Beat, right next to Lake Merritt in Oakland.

Coffee With a Beat • 458 Perkins Ave., Oakland, CA • Friday, July 17 • 6p - 10p

Please come out and celebrate the work of 12 dynamic artists who participated in my final thesis project entitled Afrikanation Interactive Art Exchange. The point of this project was to unify all people of African decent and supporters in order to join minds and create solutions to common problems through art. These collaborations took place around the topics of Family and Traditions as well as Goals and Dreams. This combination of musicians, painters, poets, and video production artists truly formed a rich experience that we would like to share with you. Please invite your family and friends.

Participants include:
Eesuu Orundide • Painter
Anthony J Hall • Poet
David Goodlett • Guitar Player
Tatek Kassaye • Video Production
Sarah Webb • Poet
Opesanwo I Fakorede Fadaaro • Painter
Oluyemi Thomas (of Positive Knowledge) • Bass Sax
Ijeoma Thomas (of Positive Knowledge) • Poet
Mosheh “Son of a Drummer” Milon • Drummer
Maria Ortiz • Curator/Visual Arts
Bush Mama Africa • Mixed Media Artist
Jinaki Bahati • Photographer

Ebony Iman Dallas • Afrikanation Community Organizer
Abdoul Diallo • Afrikanation Community Organizer

Also featuring guest artists and community activists

Please come out to support Bay Area Artists and non-profit community arts programs

None, but accepting donations for non-profit community arts organizations such as Art Esteem, a local organization who provides art therapy for over 3,500 Bay Area youth including the “Self as a Super Hero” project. For more information about this organization, please visit

Painters, poets, designers, musicians, and culinary artists… you may perform, exhibit and sell work with 10% of the proceeds going back to specified non-profit community arts organizations. Art Esteem is the only confirmed at this time. For more information on Art Esteem, please visit their website at Please contact Ebony at for more information and for participation.

?’s: For more information regarding this event and participation, please email Ebony at or visit

Please join us!

First of all, I love Oakland! In these clear times of change, chances must be taken. I am moving to Claremont, CA (30 miles from Los Angeles) at the end of July and I would like to party with you all 1 or 2 more times before I go. Please join me. I’m gonna miss you all very, very much.

Take care fam and I’ll see you soon!

Ebony Iman Dallas
Afrikanation Community Organizer

Monday, July 6, 2009

Black Butterfly Salutes: Michael Jackson

If you were a kid growing up in the 1970s or 80s, chances are you grew up listening to Michael Jackson. So much has been said since his untimely passing, some wonderful things, and some horrible. There's not much I can add to it except for this:
Michael Jackson changed the face of music and culture. He changed the way we dance, the way music videos are made, the style of dress we wear. Watch any modern music video and you can see some piece of Michael Jackson's influence. That is his legacy.
As far as his personal life goes, I've done a lot of thinking about this highly eccentric person. And have been listening to his music very closely. His story and his truth is all right there in his songs. I also feel that because he was a remarkably gifted person, he may have processed life's trials and tribulations differently than the average person would. In many ways he became a mirror of our society, all of its joy, pain, and contradiction. All he really wanted to do was perform and share his music with the world. And beginning from a very young age, he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. I'm sad that we've lost him, but I'm happy he is finally at peace.
He was a prolific artist, and that's what should be focused on, that's what should be celebrated. That said, I want to share some of my favorite Michael Jackson moments. I chose them for their imagery, and I also tried to choose footage that was off the beaten path.

Black Butterfly Salutes: Michael Jackson

If you were a kid growing up in the 1970s or 80s, chances are you grew up listening to Michael Jackson. So much has been said since his untimely passing, some wonderful things, and some horrible. There's not much I can add to it except for this:
Michael Jackson changed the face of music and culture. He changed the way we dance, the way music videos are made, the style of dress we wear. Watch any modern music video and you can see some piece of Michael Jackson's influence. That is his legacy.
As far as his personal life goes, I've done a lot of thinking about this highly eccentric person. And have been listening to his music very closely. His story and his truth is all right there in his songs. I also feel that because he was a remarkably gifted person, he may have processed life's trials and tribulations differently than the average person would. In many ways he became a mirror of our society, all of its joy, pain, and contradiction. All he really wanted to do was perform and share his music with the world. And beginning from a very young age, he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. I'm sad that we've lost him, but I'm happy he is finally at peace.
He was a prolific artist, and that's what should be focused on, that's what should be celebrated. That said, I want to share some of my favorite Michael Jackson moments. I chose them for their imagery, and I also tried to choose footage that was off the beaten path.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Marissa's Artwork Sale

Well I'm happy to say that this Black Butterfly will be fluttering back to New York this month! It's a time of new directions in life and art. And in that spirit, I'm letting go of some of my older pieces I no longer exhibit. So have a look, and if you see something you like, please email me:

I will be adding more pieces for sale next week :) #1 ink and gel transfer on bristol board, 11" x 17" $10.00 #2 pen on paper, 8.5" x 11" $10.00

#3 Watercolor on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00

#4 pen and ink on illustration board, framed $30.00 #5 acrylic on canvas, 3" x 3" $150.00 # 6 pen and ink on illustration board, framed $30.00 #7 acrylic on canvas, 3' x 2' $150.00 #8 gouache and ink on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00
#9 gouache and ink on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00

#10 acrylic on canvas, 3' x 2' $50.00 #11 pen and ink on illustration board, $20.00 #12 acrylic on canvas, 2' x 1' $80.00

Marissa's Artwork Sale

Well I'm happy to say that this Black Butterfly will be fluttering back to New York this month! It's a time of new directions in life and art. And in that spirit, I'm letting go of some of my older pieces I no longer exhibit. So have a look, and if you see something you like, please email me:

I will be adding more pieces for sale next week :) #1 ink and gel transfer on bristol board, 11" x 17" $10.00 #2 pen on paper, 8.5" x 11" $10.00

#3 Watercolor on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00

#4 pen and ink on illustration board, framed $30.00 #5 acrylic on canvas, 3" x 3" $150.00 # 6 pen and ink on illustration board, framed $30.00 #7 acrylic on canvas, 3' x 2' $150.00 #8 gouache and ink on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00
#9 gouache and ink on paper, 5" x 7" $10.00

#10 acrylic on canvas, 3' x 2' $50.00 #11 pen and ink on illustration board, $20.00 #12 acrylic on canvas, 2' x 1' $80.00